Small overview of the waterway signs

left side of waterway (downstream)

right side of waterway (downstream)
main waterway to the right (upstream to the left)

main waterway to the left (upstream to the right)

transition of the waterway from right to left

transition of the waterway from right to left
transition of the waterway from left to right

transition of the waterway from left to right

left bank

left bank

right bank

right bank

division of waterway

dangerous obstacle on the left side

dangerous obstacle on the left side

dangerous obstacle on the right side

dangerous obstacle on the right side

division of waterway

permission to pass through

permission to pass through

Passing through is prohibited, prepared for go

decommission prohibited in the width of 40 m

special caution required

No thoroughfare

No thoroughfare

No thoroughfare

No thoroughfare for a longer period of time

No thoroughfare for a longer period of time

restriction indicated on additional plate

decommission prohibited

decommission prohibited in the length of 200m

decommission prohibited in the length of 200m

decommission prohibited if longer than 20m

anchor prohibited, no anchor

no mooring

no turn

clearance height is limited

water depth is limited

width is limited

waterway constriction, distance in meter, which vessels have to keep away from sign

navigate on the right side of waterway

navigate on the left side of waterway

navigate on the left side of waterway

navigate in the right side of waterway

cut across to waterway on the right side

cut across to waterway on the left side

pursue in direction of the arrow


stop in 2.000m

stop for customs control

no thoroughfare outside the area bounded by the signs

recommended area to pass through

Vessels which naviagte on the main route have to adjust their direction/speed so it is possible for other vessels to exit the port

No passing, no overtaking

No overtaking

No overtaking at the same time

use radio

use radio with indicated channel

No navigating in this area

No navigating in this area within a distance to the buoy less than 25m



Prohibited for vessels with machine drive

No jetski

acoustic signal

acoustic signal 2x

Avoid wash and suction

No waterskiing

No surfing

Prohibited for vessels without machine drive or sail propulsion

Prohibited for vessels with sail propulsion

No pleasure crafts

No launching

Decommission permitted

Decommission in the area of 200m permitted

tieing permitted

Anchoring allowed

maximum number of boats side by side

Decommission permitted in the width of 40m

Decommission permitted in the width of this zone

free-moving ferry

not free-moving ferry

not free-moving ferry in 2.000 m

Stop when continuous light

continue when blinking light

passing through in both directions permitted

Passing through in one direction permitted (opposite direction is blocked)

Passing through in one direction permitted (opposite direction is blocked)

reserved area for pushing boats (2 blue lights or cones are required)

reserved area for pushing boats (3 blue lights or cones are required)

it is recommended to navigate in direction of the arrow ort he blinking light

reserved area for pushing boats (2 blue lights or cones are not required)

reserved area for pushing boats (blue lights or cones are required)

reserved area for all vessels but pushing boats (blue lights or cones are not required)

reserved area for all vessels but pushing boats (blue lights or cones are required)

reserved area for all vessels but pushing boats (2 blue lights or cones are required)

reserved area for all vessels but pushing boats (3 blue lights or cones are required)

Do not entering lock in direction of arrow

Entering lock in direction of arrow is permitted

reserved area for all vessels (blue lights or cones are not required)

reserved area for all vessels (blue lights or cones are required)

reserved area for all vessels (2 blue lights or cones are required)

reserved area for all vessels (3 blue lights or cones are required)

End of restriction, prohibition or instruction

Information via radio channel


recommended turning round area

for pleasure crafts

Permitted for vessels with machine drive

Permitted for small vessels with high speed

Permitted for sailing vessels

Jetski permitted

waterskiing permitted

Surfing permitted

Permitted for vessels without sail propulsion or own machine drive

launching here recommended

recommended area for loading and unloading of vehicles

Drawing of drinking water is possible
Telephone station
electrical cable crosses

circuit danger in northern direction

Water without danger

Water without danger

circuit danger in western direction

isolated danger spot

circuit danger in eastern direction

special character

special character

circuit danger in southern direction

special character
special character
