Heavy cargo line EPL - Elbe Project Line
„EPL Elbe“ is the third regular service which is available to the shipping industry on water ways. Since September 15th, 2008 service on demand in the field of project cargo is bundled to regular transports and put into practice by the Deutsche Binnenreederei AG.
The stations Dresden, Aken, Schönebeck, Magdeburg and Hamburg are served by flat push barges which depart twice a week. Other seaports are accessible through the central German canal system. Bohemia is connected by the ETS Elbe.

The transport of heavy cargo and project cargo on the river Elbe has many advantages. Because of the large clearance gauge of the river Elbe (for example at bridge passages) there are hardly any restrictions concerning measurements and weights of cargo. Because of the low loading weight (in relation to the load capacity of vessels) transports
are practicable all year even at low water level of the river Elbe. Apart from „pure“ project cargo, piece goods, can be transported cost-efficient and ecological as well. If required other services such as forerun and tracking on streets, supply of assembly surfaces and halls as well as temporary storage can be organized besides shipping and handling.
The combination of the three transport lines ECL2000 - ETS Elbe - EPL Elbe with the combination of different types of push barges guarantees high flexibility and high frequency of the transport of cargo on waterways.